
This translation has been made with PSP12, it's also possible with other versions of PSP


The originial tutorial is from Valyscrappassion, I have permission to translate it in English 


In my version: Tube Alies - thank you


It's not allowed to copie or download this tutorial in other sites/blogs without permission from Valyscrappassion


Click on the banner for the original tutorial




In Zip 


code 3 couleur (colors)

Tubes deco 1-2-3 Faustine-VSP

Tube verlaine b 77 (site HERE)

Mask: masque_379_franiemargot (site HERE)

2 Presets: glass-Faustine-VSP and Preset_UserDefinedFilter_Perso-Faustine-VSP

Wordart: Titre-Faustine-VSP




Alien skin eye candy 5 impact - Glass
AP[Lines], Lines-SilverLining
dsb flux, Linear Transmission
L en K Landksiteofwonders - L en K's Paris
L en K Landksiteofwonders - L en K's Zitah
Mirror Rave - Quadrant Flip
MuRa's Seamless - Duplicate
penta.com - Dot and Cross
Toadies - Weaver
Toadies - What Are You?
Two Moon - Cut Glass


Plugins HERE


Thank you all for the material

 Respect the work of the tubers and do not delete the name of the artist

Make a duplicate (shiftD) and close the original tube


Open Mask and Tubes in PSP

Double click  glass-Faustine-VSP (to install in eye candy 5 impact) and copy Preset_UserDefinedFilter_Perso-Faustine-VSP to your map Presets in Psp

When you're working with own Colors and Tube(s) play with the Blendmode and Opacity 


Original Colors

 middle one is 2 ofcourse


Make a Rectangular Gradient with Foregroundcolor - Color 1 and with Backgroundcolor - Color 2


Open alpha-Faustine-VSP

Fill with Gradient

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius - 30


Effects - Plugins - Mirror Rave - Quadrant Flip

Effects - Plugins - Two Moon - Cut Glass


Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#1

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer


Effects - Plugins - L en K Landksiteofwonders - L en K's Zitah


Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - Toadies - Weaver


Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#1 again


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0    30   25    Black


Selections - Select None


Activate Bottom Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#2

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - dsb flux - Linear Transmission


Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More


Effects - Plugins - penta.com - Dot and Cross


Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen


Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#2 again


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    100    50    0    Color 3  Shadow on new layer checked

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you?

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror


Activate Bottom Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#3

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - L en K Landksiteofwonders - L en K's Paris

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all Layers NOT checked


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0    100   50    Black


Activate Top Layer

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#4

Fill Selection with Gradient


Effects - Plugins - AP[Lines] - Lines-SilverLining


Selections - Modify - Select Selection Borders

Fill Selection with Color 3

Selections - Select None


Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#4 again

Effects - Plugins - Alien skin eye candy 5 impact - Glass - User settings glass-faustine-VSP


Selections - Select None


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0    100   50    Black


Open deco1-Faustine-VSP


Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal 47 en Vertical 150

Custom and Transparant checked


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0    100   50    Black


Open verlaine b 77 or your own tube


 Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all Layers NOT checked

(depends on the Tube)


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal 208 en Vertical -40

Custom and Transparant checked


Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    20    65   50    Black


Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with Color 3

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image....masque_379_franiemargot

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Opacity to 65

Layers - Arrange - Move Down - 3 times


Open deco2-Faustine-VSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Window - Duplicate

Image - Add Borders - 2px - Color 3 - Symmetric

Edit - Copy

Go back to your original Image and activate Top layer

Edit - Paste As New Layer

Image - Resize - 15% - Resize all Layers NOT checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Image - Mirror


Effects - Plugins - Alien skin eye candy 5 impact - Glass - User settings glass-faustine-VSP

same settings


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal -270 en Vertical 50

Custom and Transparant checked


Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Seamles - Duplicate


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#5

Fill Selection with Color 3

Opacity to 75

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you?

Effects - User Defined Filter

When you cant find Perso-Faustine-VSP use the numbers above

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Activate Top Layer


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0   100   25   Black


Open deco3-Faustine-VSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal 305 en Vertical 220

Custom and Transparant checked


When necessary arrange this layer down, below the womantube, see Image at Top


Open Titre-Faustine-VSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Ativate Pick Tool (K) and fill in the numbers 218,00   70,00   60,00   10,00

Activate Move Tool again (M)


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

5    5   100   0   Color 2



Image - Add Borders - 2px - Color 3 - Symmetric

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Resize - 95% - Resize all Layers NOT checked

Activate Bottom Layer


Effects - Plugins - Toadies - Weaver

same settings  59   48   222


Activate Top layer


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0   100   30  Black

Repeat once



Image - Add Borders - 1px - Color 3 - Symmetric


Image - Resize - 900px Widht - Resize all layers checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask


Set your name/watermark and Save as Jpg



Tutorial ©Valyscrappassion


I look forward to your creation




Another one from me, tube Karine, merci