
This translation has been made with PSP15, it's also possible with other versions of PSP


The originial tutorial is from Valyscrappassion, I have permission to translate it in English 


In my version: Tube Anne Mei (thank you)


It's not allowed to copie or download this tutorial in other sites/blogs without permission from Valyscrappassion


Click on the banner for the original tutorial




In Zip 


code 3 couleur (colors)

Tubes deco 1-2-3-4-5 LizeVSP

Tube Lize-Enaidsworld-059 (site HERE)

Masks: 1250181397_nikita_masque, 1250181217_nikita_masque, Narah_mask_0721

Gradient: roselizevsp

Wordart: titreLizeVSP




 [AFS IMPORT], sqborder2
L en K landksiteofwonders, Djin
Ulead effects, Particle
UnPlugged Effects, Defocus
Virtual Paint, Virtual Painter 4

Plugins HERE


Thank you all for the material

 Respect the work of the tubers and do not delete the name of the artist

Make a duplicate (shiftD) and close the original tube


 Open Masks and Tubes in PSP  and the Gradient in your Gradient Map

When you're working with own Colors and Tube(s) play with the Blend Mode and Opacity 


Original Colors

I used another for Color 2

Use the color palette to switch the colors easely


Make a Linear Gradient and open roselizevsp





Open alpha-Lize-VSP

Fill with Gradient

When using another Color 1 fill  alpha Layer with your Color 1 first, then New Raster Layer and fill with the Gradient, Blendmode to Luminance (Legacy), merge both Layers


Effects - Plugins - Virtual Paint, Virtual Painter 4 

Click Filter - Embroidery


Click Material - Canvas (Rough)

Click Adjust Technique


After Settings click OK and OK on last screen


Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with Color 1

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Activate Top Layer

Blend Mode to Luminance (Legacy)

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible


Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with Color 2

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image...Masque 1250181397_nikita_masques


Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Select All

Make a new Gradient (Radial) with Color 3 = Foregroundcolor and Color 2 = Backgroundcolor

Fill Selection with Gradient

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius - 20

Selections - Modify - Contract - 60

Selections - Invert

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - Ulead effects - Particle

Image below is from original Tutorial

This Plugin is not working properly with me, so I used MuRa's Meister - Cloud

Play with the numbers when you use Cloud


Effects - Plugins - UnPlugged Effects - Defocus

(Color 2 is your Backgroundcolor)

Edit - Repeat Defocus same Amount


Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#1

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Effects - Plugins - L en K landksiteofwonders, Djin

Selections - Select None


Effects - Plugins - UnPlugged Effects - Defocus - Amount 62

(Color 2 is your Backgroundcolor)


Activate Middle layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selection#2

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Effects - Plugins - [AFS IMPORT] - sqborder2

Selections - Select None

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

Layers - Merge - Merge Down


Effects - Plugins - UnPlugged Effects - Defocus - Amount 30

(Color 2 is your Backgroundcolor)


Activate Raster 1 (second from Bottom)

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with Color 3

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image...1250181217_nikita_masques

Invert mask data


Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Opacity to 56

Stay on this Layer


Close Bottom Layer by clicking on the little eye (visibility toggle)

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Open Bottom Layer again


Open deco1LizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Open deco2LizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Activate Magic Wand Tool (Tolerance and Feather 0)

Select left part, see Image below


Open Lize-Enaidsworld-059 or your own Tube

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Drag a part of the Tube into the Selection

Selections - Invert

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Activate Layer with Frame (deco2)

Activate Magic Wand Tool (Tolerance and Feather 0)

Select right part, see Image below


Open Lize-Enaidsworld-059 or your own Tube

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Drag a part of the Tube into the Selection

Selections - Invert

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Activate Layer with Frame (deco2)

Activate Magic Wand Tool (Tolerance and Feather 0)

Select Bottom part, see Image below

Open Lize-Enaidsworld-059 or your own Tube

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Drag a part of the Tube into the Selection

Selections - Invert

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Activate Top Layer

Layers - Merge - Merge down 3 times

Image - Resize - 50% - Resize all Layers NOT checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal -280 en Vertical 145

Custom and Transparant checked


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

0    0    50   25    Black


Open deco3LizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal -93 en Vertical 0

Custom and Transparant checked


Open Lize-Enaidsworld-059 or your own Tube

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all Layers NOT checked

(depends on the Tube)

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal 200 en Vertical -8

Custom and Transparant checked

(depends on the Tube)


Effects - 3D-effects - Drop Shadow

-18    30    38   50    Black


Open deco4LizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Activate second Layer from Bottom (=Merged Layer)

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Select All

Selections - Modify - Contract - 58

Fill with Color 3

Selections - Modify - Contract - 2

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with Color 3

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image....Narah_mask_0721

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance


Activate Bottom Layer

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Select All

Selections - Modify - Contract - 7

Fill with Color 3

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Modify - Contract - 7

Fill with Color 3

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1

Edit - Cut or click Delete once on Keyboard

Selections - Select None


Open deco5LizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Open Wordart - titreLizeVSP

Edit - Copy

Back to your Image

Edit - Paste As New Layer


Layers - Arrange - Bring to Top


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Horizontal -210 en Vertical -112

Custom and Transparant checked


Image - Add Borders - 2px - Color 3 - Symmetric

Image - Resize to 900px 

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask

Set your name/watermark and Save as Jpg




I look forward to your creation
